Instituciones de Inversión Colectiva
The CNMV´s Official Registers contain the following information with respect to Spanish collective investment schemes and foreign collective schemes authorised for sale to the public in Spain:
With regard to mutual funds, investment companies and collective investment scheme management companies incorporated in Spain:
- Official register number, full name, identification data for the management company and depository, and the registered offices, of each fund.
- Initial communiqué and authorisation.
- Supporting documents: public instrument, Articles of Association and regulation.
- Prospectus: Basic document for mutual funds, setting out the fund´s main characteristics, which all investors should be aware of before investing.
- Quarterly report to shareholders and investors.
- Audited financial statements.
- Significant holdings: in the case of mutual funds and their management companies, only for those higher than 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% or 100%.
- Regulatory disclosures: Such as changes in back-end fees, fund manager or depository, and other information of general interest to investors.
Foreign collective investment schemes authorised for marketing in Spain.
- Official Register number, full name, category, compartments, promoter, home country and marketers.
- Prospectus and supporting documentation, translated into Spanish, as well as the marketing report.
- Half-yearly report to shareholders and investors.
- Financial statements.