
On 1 October 2014, the Official State Gazette (BOE) published Law 16/2014, of 30 September, regulating the fees of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). The law came into force on 1 January 2015. A summary table has been drawn up with CNMV´s new fees, classified by department.

On 27 January 2015 the BOE published Order ECC/51/2015, of 22 January, approving the official payment and self-assessment forms for the fees established in Law 16/2014, of 30 September, regulating the fees of the National Securities Market Commission.

CNMV Ruling of 30 January 2015 establishes the procedure and conditions for payment of the fees applicable to the activities and services provided by CNMV through an entity collaborating in collection management or made electronically.

The forms for requesting the examination of documentation relating to transactions regulated in sections 1 and 2 of Law 16/2014, of 30 September, can be downloaded from the section Standard Forms: Issuers.

Until the new law came into force, CNMV´s fees were regulated by Royal Decree 1732/1998, of 31 July, on fees applicable for the activities and services provided by CNMV (Fee summary under RD 1732/1998).

On the 18 march 2023 was published in the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE) the Law 6/2023,  of securities markets and investment services. The eigth final provision modifies the law 16/2014, of 30 September, that regulates the fees of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). By virtue thereof, certain tariffs of the CNMV´s fees (applicable to fees payable as of 7 april 2023) have been modified. A summary table has been prepared with the new tariffs classified by departments of the CNMV (Fees summary Spanish Law 6/2023).

Search and tax payment tool

To access the CNMV search and tax payment service, you must have a User Name and Password for the CIFRADOC/CNMV service of the CNMV Virtual Office / Off-line Register sede electrónica

To access the search and payment service for fees levied by the CNMV, you must enter your User Name and Password in the  CNMV Virtual Office / Off-line Register  sede electrónica on the CNMV website. To obtain a user name and password, send in the duly completed certificate application form to the fax number shown on the form.

To be able to pay a self-assessed fee for the issuing of a certificate, you must enter the User Name AUTOTASA and password 123456 in the  CNMV Virtual Office / Off-line Register sede electrónica on the CNMV website.

The CNMV website will display the fees levied in the last 6 months for each taxable person, regardless of whether they have been paid or not. Example of the information displayed in asnwer to a query:

List of fees levied for the last 6 months, regarless of whether they have been paid or not
Fee nº Issue Date Taxable event Amount to be paid
111486 20/10/2014 Supervisión of AIAF admission > 18 meses €99,00
111496 24/10/2014 Share listing prospectus €1.813,55
112156 14/11/2014 Prospectus on changes for securities whihout changes €169,47
112200 19/11/2014 Prospectus on changes for securities whihout changes €169,47
112380 21/11/2014 Share listing prospectus €3.563,64
30423 22/10/2014 Supervisión of MEFF RF members €0,39
30434 22/10/2014 Supervisión of MEFF RV members €7.542,86
30497 28/10/2014 Supervisión of AIAF members €674,34
30554 28/10/2014 Supervisión of Stock Excahge members €144.366,38
30614 28/10/2014 Supervisión of participants in Systems Co. €709.162,26

To pay fees levied by the CNMV, you may choose either to  pay electronically, for which there are certains requiriments, or to pay in the office of the bank entity, either in cash or by direct debit in your bank account.


Taxable persons who must pay fees to the CNMV and are not resident in Spain must appoint a representative in Spain to pay CNMV fees by completing the Representation Agreement form, pursuant to Article 6 of Law 16/2014, of 30 September, regulating the fees of the CNMV:

Artícle 6. Representation of Non-Resident Taxable Persons.

  1. In the event of settlemets to be made by the CNMV, if the taxable person is a person or entity that is not resident in Spain, it must appoint a representative in Spain for the purposes of paying the CNMV´s fees.
  2. The representative with its address on Spanish territory shall be the one relating to the CNMV on fees, shall handle the administrative actions arising from them and shall be jointly liable for the payment of the fee.

Also, if the taxable person (individual or entity) does not have a VAT Number assigned by the Spanish Tax Agency, one will be provided ex officio (this process will be handled by the CNMV). This VAT Number will be displayed when the corresponding fee is levied.


  • Law 6/2023 , of 17 March, of Stock Markets and Investment Services. Artículo 66 (fees summary Law 6/2023).
  • Law 22/2021, de 28 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para el año 2022. Artículo 66 (fees summary Law 22/2021).
  • Law 11/2020 , de 30 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para le año 2021. Artículo 74 (Fees summary Law 11/2020).
  • Ley 6/2018, de 3 de julio, de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para le año 2018. Artículo 86 (fees summary Law 6/2018).
  • Ley 3/2017, de 27 de junio, de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para el año 2017. Artículo 64 (resumen tasas Ley 3/2017).
  • Resolución de 19 de abril de 2016, del Departamento de Recaudación de la Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria, por la que se publica el Convenio de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores para la recaudación en vía ejecutiva de las tasas de dicho Ente.
  • Orden HAP/2046/2015, de 1 de octubre, por la que se modifica la Orden de 4 de junio de 1998, por la que se regulan determinados aspectos de la gestión recaudatoria de las tasas que constituyen derechos de la Hacienda Pública.

  • Resolución de 30 de enero de 2015, de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores por la que se establece el procedimiento y las condiciones para el pago a través de entidad colaboradora en la gestión recaudatoria y por vía telemática de las tasas aplicables por las actividades y servicios prestados por la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores.
  • Orden ECC/51/2015, de 22 de enero, por la que se aprueban los modelos oficiales de liquidación y autoliquidación de las tasas establecidas por la Ley 16/2014, de 30 de septiembre, por la que se regulan las tasas de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores.
  • Ley 16/2014, de 30 de septiembre, por la que se regulan las tasas de la Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (En vigor desde el 1 de enero de 2015) (ver cuadro resumen). (Modificado por la Ley 5/2015, de 27 de abril, de fomento de la financiación empresarial).
  • Ley 22/2013, de 23 de diciembre, de Presupuestos Generales del Estado para el año 2014. Artículo 82 (ver cuadro resumen)
  • Ley 23/2005     de 18 de noviembre, de reformas en materia tributaria para el impulso a la productividad.
  •  Ley 58/2003    de 17 de diciembre, General Tributaria.
  • Orden HAC/729/2003   de 28 de marzo, por la que se establecen los supuestos y las condiciones generales para el pago por vía telemática de las tasas que constituyen recursos de la Administración General del Estado y sus Organismos Públicos.
  • Orden de 4 de junio de 1998    por la que se regulan determinados aspectos de la gestión recaudatoria de las tasas que constituyen derechos de la Hacienda Pública.
  • Orden de 11 de diciembre de 2001 por la que se modifica la Orden de 4 de junio de 1998, por la que se regulan determinados aspectos de la gestión recaudatoria de las tasas que constituyen derechos de la Hacienda Pública.


  • On the 18 march 2023 was published in the Spanish Official State Gazette (BOE) the Law 6/2023,  of securities markets and investment services. The eigth final provision modifies the law 16/2014, of 30 September, that regulates the fees of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). By virtue thereof, certain tariffs of the CNMV´s fees (applicable to fees payable as of 7 april 2023) have been modified. A summary table has been prepared with the new tariffs classified by departments of the CNMV (Fees summary Spanish Law 6/2023).
  • Information on the fees levied by CNMV for carrying out its duties in relation to the cross-border activities of alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs), European social entrepreneurship funds (EuSEF) managers, European venture capital funds (EuVECA) managers and collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS) management companies.
    • Article 2 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/955 of 27 May 2021 establishes that competent authorities shall publish the information concerning fees or charges levied for carrying out their duties in relation to the cross-border activities of AIFMs, EuVECA managers, EuSEF managers and UCITS management companies.
    • This link contains the information regarding the fees than CNMV applies for these concepts.
  • Below is an indicative calendar for the year "x", to serve as a guide for taxable persons to CNMV´s periodic fees:

Indicative calendar of fees for year "x"
Rate Accrual date Date for taxable base item Date information received Estimated settlement date
Rate 5.1 01/01 01/01 02/01 01/02/x
Rate 5.2 01/01 01/01 02/01 01/02/x
Rate 6.1.1. ESI 30/06 and 31/12 30/06 and 31/12 11/08/x and 11/02/x+1. This information can be checked on 30/09/x and 31/03/x+1 1/11 and 1/5/x+1
Rate 6.1.2. SGIIC 30/06 and 31/12 30/06 and 31/12 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/10/x and 1/4/x+1
Rate 6.2. FI, FII, SICAV, SII 30/06 and 31/12 30/06 and 31/12 10/08/x and 10/02/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.2. FIL, FHF, SIL, SHF 30/06 and 31/12 30/06 and 31/12 10/10/x and 10/04/x+1 1/11/x and 1/5/x+1
Rate 6.3. Depo. 30/06 and 31/12 30/06 and 31/12 10/08 and 10/02/x+1 (FI, FII, SICAV, SII); 10/10 and 10/04/x+1 (FIL, FHF, SIL, SHF); 30/06 (ECR) 1/11/x and 1/5/x+1
Rate 6.4.1. SGFT 01/09 31/12 Previous year 31/5 01/10/x
Rate 6.4.2. SGECR 01/09 31/12 Previous year 30/4 01/10/x
Rate 6.5. ECR 01/09 31/12 of the previous year 30/4 01/10/x
Rate 6.6.1. ESI, EC 01/04 Previous year 28/02 01/06/x
Rate 6.6.1. SGIIC, SGEIC 01/04 Previous year SGIIC 31/01; SGEIC 01/05 SGIIC 01/06/x; SGEIC 01/10/x
Rate 6.6.2. ESI, EC 01/04 Previous year 28/02 01/06/x
Rate 6.6.2. SGIIC, SGEIC 01/04 Previous year    SGIIC 31/01; SGEIC 01/05  SGIIC 01/06/x; SGEIC 01/10/x      
Rate 6.7 30/06 and 31/12 Semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.8 30/06 and 31/12 Semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.9 30/06 and 31/12 Last day of each month of semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.10 30/06 and 31/12 Semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.11 30/06 and 31/12 Semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.12.1 30/06 and 31/12 Semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9 and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.12.2 30/06 and 31/12 Semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.13 30/06 and 31/12 Semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.14.1 30/06 and 31/12 30/06 and 31/12 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.14.2 30/06 and 31/12 30/06 and 31/12 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1
Rate 6.15 30/06 and 31/12 Last session of semester 31/07/x and 31/01/x+1 1/9/x and 1/3/x+1