Taxable persons who must pay fees to the CNMV and are not resident in Spain must appoint a representative in Spain to pay CNMV fees by completing the Representation Agreement form, pursuant to Article 6 of Law 16/2014, of 30 September, regulating the fees of the CNMV:
Artícle 6. Representation of Non-Resident Taxable Persons.
- In the event of settlemets to be made by the CNMV, if the taxable person is a person or entity that is not resident in Spain, it must appoint a representative in Spain for the purposes of paying the CNMV´s fees.
- The representative with its address on Spanish territory shall be the one relating to the CNMV on fees, shall handle the administrative actions arising from them and shall be jointly liable for the payment of the fee.
Also, if the taxable person (individual or entity) does not have a VAT Number assigned by the Spanish Tax Agency, one will be provided ex officio (this process will be handled by the CNMV). This VAT Number will be displayed when the corresponding fee is levied.