TELEFONICA, S.A. «...1617181920...» Page 20 out of 22 10/07/2020 14:25 TELEFONICA, S.A. Total number of voting rights and capital Total de derechos de voto y del capital tras el aumento de capital con cargo a reservas relativo a la retribución al accionista mediante scrip dividend. Register number: 3348 10/07/2020 08:29 TELEFONICA, S.A. Other relevant information The Company informs of the registration at Madrid Commercial registry of the deed for the capital increase with a charge to reserves related to the shareholder compensation by means of a scrip dividend. Register number: 3337 03/07/2020 17:42 TELEFONICA, S.A. Other relevant information Telefónica informs that on July 1, 2020 the free-of charge allotment rights trading period for the first capital increase with charge to reserves, related to the shareholder compensation by means of a scrip dividend, ended Register number: 3204 02/07/2020 13:49 TELEFONICA, S.A. Other relevant information Telefónica Audiovisual Digital has signed an agreement for the exclusive media rights of UEFA Champions League, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Europa Conference League and UEFA Youth League. Register number: 3171 30/06/2020 17:50 TELEFONICA, S.A. Other relevant information Telefónica, S.A. announces the date of publication of the results corresponding to the period January – June 2020. Register number: 3092 12/06/2020 12:53 TELEFONICA, S.A. Other relevant information Telefónica, S.A. has agreed the implementation of the first capital increase with charge to reserves related to the shareholder compensation by means of a scrip dividend. Register number: 2737 12/06/2020 12:47 TELEFONICA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting The Annual General Shareholders Meeting held today has approved all the resolutions submitted. Register number: 2736 08/06/2020 19:09 TELEFONICA, S.A. On corporate transactions Telefónica informs that Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG has signed an agreement with Telxius Telecom, S.A. to sell approximately 10,100 sites to Telxius. Register number: 2615 04/06/2020 17:46 TELEFONICA, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting The Company publishes a supplementary announcement regarding the call to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting 2020. Register number: 2571 20/05/2020 10:34 TELEFONICA, S.A. On financial instruments Telefónica announces the final results of the tender offer of debt instruments. Register number: 2318 Page 20 out of 22 «...1617181920...»