PHARMA MAR, S.A. «...21222324» Page 22 out of 24 18/06/2020 13:40 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting It is reported that all proposed resolutions submitted by the Board to the General Shareholders’ Meeting have been approved. Register number: 2855 18/06/2020 11:56 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Attached is a copy of the presentation to shareholders to be made at the General Shareholders’ Meeting of Pharma Mar by the Chairman of the Company. Register number: 2843 17/06/2020 17:35 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 10 June and 16 June 2020. Register number: 2831 10/06/2020 17:36 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 3 June and 9 June 2020. Register number: 2694 08/06/2020 17:39 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting The Company publishes a supplementary announcement regarding the call to the Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting Register number: 2610 03/06/2020 17:47 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Other relevant information The Company reports that will host a virtual Key Opinion Leader (KOL) event on lurbinectedin and Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) on June 10th, 2020, at 20.00 CET Register number: 2554 03/06/2020 17:41 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 27 May and 2 June 2020. Register number: 2553 03/06/2020 08:29 PHARMA MAR, S.A. On business and financial situation The Company announces that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has granted the “Provisional Approval Pathway” for lurbinectedin in relapsed Small Cell Lung Cancer in Australia. Register number: 2543 27/05/2020 17:38 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 20 May and 26 May 2020. Register number: 2453 20/05/2020 17:35 PHARMA MAR, S.A. Share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The company reports the transactions performed in the context of the Share Buy-back Program between 13 May and 19 May 2020. Register number: 2324 Page 22 out of 24 «...21222324»