LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. «12345» Page 2 out of 5 25/04/2024 09:51 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On business and financial situation The Company releases the press release in relation to the agreement reached by ROVI for the manufacture of pre-filled syringes. Register number: 2207 27/02/2024 08:15 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On corporate governance The Company informs about the agreements adopted by the Board of Directors. Register number: 2126 27/02/2024 07:49 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On P&L The Company releases the presentation related to the 2023 financial results Register number: 2125 27/02/2024 07:48 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On P&L The Company releases the press release related to the 2023 financial results Register number: 2124 08/11/2023 15:33 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On P&L Se remite de nuevo el comunicado de prensa a los solos efectos de corregir los conceptos de gastos de personal, otros gastos de explotación y trabajos efectuados por el grupo para activos no corrientes, manteniéndose el resto sin modificación alguna. Register number: 2021 Notification modified by communication number 2015 dated 08/11/2023 (07:35) 08/11/2023 07:37 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On P&L The Company releases the presentation related to the first nine months of 2023 financial results Register number: 2016 08/11/2023 07:35 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On P&L The Company releases the press release related to the first nine months of 2023 financial results Register number: 2015 Notification modified by communication number 2021 dated 08/11/2023 (15:33) 26/07/2023 08:10 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On P&L The Company releases the presentation related to the first half 2023 financial results Register number: 1928 26/07/2023 08:10 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On P&L The Company releases the press release related to the first half 2023 financial results Register number: 1927 26/07/2023 08:09 LABORATORIOS FARMACEUTICOS ROVI, S.A. On share buy-back , stabilisation and treasury stock programmes The Company reports the commencement, effective as of today, 26 July 2023, of a share buyback program. Register number: 1926 Page 2 out of 5 «12345»