CRITERIA CAIXA, S.A.U. 11/06/2024 07:31 CRITERIA CAIXA, S.A.U. On financial instruments Completion of the private placement of a share block of Cellnex Telecom, S.A. Register number: 2284 Related to communication no. 2280 dated 10/06/2024 (17:39) 10/06/2024 18:58 CRITERIA CAIXA, S.A.U. On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Criteria: conversaciones con potencial grupo inversor respecto de Naturgy Energy Group, S.A. Register number: 2282 10/06/2024 17:39 CRITERIA CAIXA, S.A.U. On financial instruments Private placement of a share block of Cellnex Telecom, S.A. Register number: 2280 16/04/2024 11:39 CRITERIA CAIXA, S.A.U. On corporate transactions: mergers, acquisitions and others Criteria: conversaciones con potencial grupo inversor respecto de Naturgy Energy Group, S.A. Register number: 2194