Venture Capital Fund
Official Register No.Official Registration DateLast prospectus dateProspectus (*)
305 25/09/2020 27/10/2023 PDF document
Clases de participaciones
NumeroDenominaciónFecha AltaDFI (*)ISIN
1CLASE A1 ES0109744005
2CLASE B1 ES0109744013
3CLASE A2 ES0109744021
4CLASE B2 ES0109744039
5CLASE A3 ES0109744047
6CLASE B3 ES0109744054
7CLASE A4 ES0109744062
8CLASE B4 ES0109744070
9CLASE A5 ES0109744088
10CLASE B5 ES0109744096
11CLASE A6 ES0109744104
12CLASE B6 ES0109744112
13CLASE A7 ES0109744120
14CLASE B7 ES0109744138
15CLASE A8 ES0109744146
16CLASE B8 ES0109744153
17CLASE A9 ES0109744161
(*) Responsibility for the content and accuracy of the Prospectus and KIID falls exclusively upon the management company, or the self-managed vehicle, as appropriate. The CNMV does not verify the content of these documents.