All security types

ISINFISNNumber of securities / Issue amountIssue dateMaturity dateNominal / MTV / PriceCurrencyInterest rateCFI 2015
ES0313714018 BKT 11/VAR BTH 20480821 A2 816,800,000.0002/12/200521/08/2048100,000.00EUR DGVSBB
ES0313714026 BKT 11/VAR BTH 20480821 B 15,600,000.0002/12/200521/08/2048100,000.00EUR DGVSBB
ES0313714034 BKT 11/VAR BTH 20480821 C 15,300,000.0002/12/200521/08/2048100,000.00EUR DGVSBB
ES0313714042 BKT 11/VAR BTH 20480821 D 9,800,000.0002/12/200521/08/2048100,000.00EUR DGVSBB
ES0313714059 BKT 11/VAR BTH 20480821 E 12,500,000.0002/12/200521/08/2048100,000.00EUR DGVSBB

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